Artificial Intelligence For All Trademark Professionals In 2020

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have made headlines recently. Robots taking over the world and supercomputers replacing the human brain?

As an enthusiast of the hit sci-fi TV series, Star Trek would say as AI advances:  “It‘s life Jim, but not as we know it!” However, AI is not science fiction and its use in the workplace will become even more mainstream in 2020 and beyond.

The hype and spotlight on AI by the media have led some people to believe that AI is the sole domain of big data scientists and large corporations and that there is no place for AI in their own business or budget. This misconception is causing some legal businesses to fall behind their competitors who have already embraced the technology, giving them impressive savings and efficiencies in both time and money for their businesses.

Automation in daily work life today

By far the biggest impact of machine learning or AI in the business world is found in the reinvention of data-intensive, repetitive and time-consuming tasks. The use of AI in work-life can be widely seen today in almost every industry. For example, it is routinely used in the manufacturing sector on automated production lines, in the financial sector with automated credit scoring, and throughout many B2B and B2C businesses who are already using customer service bots to answer both their prospect’s and existing customer’s queries.

AI for all trademark professionals

Trademark search and watch are real areas where AI is already being used routinely in the legal industry. Needless to say, it is creating huge benefits for companies that work in the intellectual property domain. Trademark attorneys, paralegals, branding professionals, marketers, and startups are all using AI to collaborate between teams and improve their brainstorming and trademark clearance processes.

These kinds of tools have reframed the working dynamics in the IP industry. For example, with basic automation of documentation tools, old school review is not always the best use of a firm’s resources and the first legal teams that are willing to use such innovative tools have a real advantage over their competitors.

Today AI is also used for legal research purposes (for example mining of litigation data); identifying stored information (for example the collection of any live data and statistics to be used in lawsuits or further investigations), and reviewing purposes (for example analyzing and reviewing contracts so that risks are minimized).

Reframing trademark operations

For trademark operations, the story began with the standardization of legal forms and the digitization of records. This has made data much more accessible. Then in the second phase of AI – which has reframed trademark operations – IP clearance and management tools have been employed. These tools basically have the aim of mimicking human decisions by reasoning through data, i.e., an experience-based knowledge model.

Thus, nowadays it is not wrong to say that AI-driven technology will be a much bigger part of most lawyers’ day-to-day work and that new types of legal tech skills will, therefore, need to be gained.

An AI clearance search tool can help your business to understand most of the risks, enabling you to run your trademark search seamlessly and securely. For example, our AI Clearance Search tool allows algorithmic scoring of name linguistics and product similarity and can raise your candidate’s biggest potential threats to the top of your report – making your trademark search and clearance job dramatically faster and easier.

AI at work

If you are wondering how AI tools can be utilized to add value to your business, here are a couple of tips to get you started!

1. Let AI do the heavy lifting

Use AI to assist at work by getting it to do time-consuming and routine tasks, for example, legal research, identifying stored information and document review. This innovative process will enable your “human” colleagues to be the decision-makers and opinion givers, as well as freeing them up to take on more creative tasks.

2. Understand the limits

Use the data that is generated by AI tools (like trademark search and watch reports) together with a “human” opinion or evaluation to avoid the data being under or overvalued.

New year, new marks

Many lawyers are already using AI. If you want to leverage AI technology in your trademark clearance searches then this new year is the perfect time to get started!

Our new pay-per-search AI Clearance Search tool enables you to get high-quality and relevant trademark search results. It allows you to safely find all similar trademarks to your candidate with rank-ordered estimated risks. Search across your choice of up to 10 country registries, WIPO, EUIPO and ARIPO, and web and common law data – instantly and affordably.

Enhance your trademark clearance searches in 2020!

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